Winter Survival in a Nutshell

No matter how much experience you may have in outdoor winter sports, the potential for accidents is always there. Whether it's winter camping, snowshoeing, backcountry skiing or any other outdoor adventure, be sure to bring the proper cold weather gear that could keep you going when the elements turn against you.

A safe trip starts with planning. Check the forecast, leave an itinerary behind and be sure to run through your checklist several times. Your pack should contain extra gear, food and clothes that could help you if you get in a bind.

Don't overdress. It may sound counterintuitive, but over dressing can lead to sweating, and in the cold, that can quickly lead to hypothermia. Instead, bring along extra insulating layers, like a medium-weight fleece, as well as extra gloves, socks and hand/toe warmers.

If you get stuck overnight, you'll be glad you packed survival items like a full-sized space blanket, a portable stove, a metal cup or bowl and a battery pack. Dermatone can also help protect against frostbite, and should be applied to the nose, lips and earlobes in extremely cold conditions

Don't forget to eat and stay hydrated, too. The body needs both water and fatty foods like nuts and chocolate to generate warmth.

There's no reason not to take the proper safety precautions, and doing so will help you enjoy the outdoors and get home safely.

Winter Day Trip Survival Guide